Candace Hulbert is a rising senior at the University of Michigan, completing a double major in political science and English. When she receives her BA, she aspires to work in publishing, eventually publishing her own collection of short stories, poems, and novels. At the University of Michigan, Candace is a member of a political science honors fraternity (Pi Sigma Alpha) and works as a literacy tutor for elementary school students with the America Reads Program. Originally, Candace is from Bakersfield, California- a land infamous for smog, large scale industrial agriculture, one-hundred-degree summers, and miles and miles of oil fields. Candace much prefers the variety of seasons, clean air, and free spaces of Michigan. Seeing the disparity of environmental quality between Southern California and Michigan has caused Candace to become a proponent for protecting the environment from pollution and industry. Candace is also an avid yogi and vegan (the nice kind, she promises). Her favorite food is sweet potato fries dipped in maple syrup (don’t knock it till you try it), and she will never reject a cup of tea. Candace is excited to be the communications intern for Tall Ships America this summer. Her experience and knowledge of sailing and ships is nonexistent, so she is looking forward to learning and engaging with an entirely new environment.
Hey, Tall Ships community! I’m Susannah Pittman, the new intern who’s ecstatic to be aboard the TALL SHIPS CHALLENGE® Great Lakes Race Series. I’m an EMT from New York who is itching for adventure this summer before settling into a steady job in emergency services. Though I have zero sailing experience, my background as a competitive swimmer, avid backpacker, and project manager of a local nonprofit has led me to pursue this internship. I am also a mediocre knitter, snowboarder, and published poet. See you all in Toronto!
Hello, my name is James Rogers. For as long as I can remember I have been accustomed to the smell of the sea, with a rolling deck beneath my feet. I grew my sea legs at age 6 aboard the Schooner Harvey Gamage, and I’ve been sailing since. Most recently, my journey brought me aboard the Barque Picton Castle; for her seventh and final world circumnavigation. This 14 month voyage, for me, began with early graduation from high school in late March 2018, and ended the 1st of this past June.
Sailing this past year has taught me a lot about myself and how to work with others. I found in myself a drive to excel that is hard to find elsewhere. The tight community of crew life means that you come to trust and rely on your shipmates in ways you never expect. For one, the way everyone needs to rise together to meet the demands of the ship is truly spectacular. A ship thrives on self-improvement, and how everyone works together to make a successful voyage. Seeing the world is great too but that’s why I sail.
I don’t know yet what my next journey will be, but I am confident that my last voyage under sail is far from over.